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Last updated
From your Shopify admin, go to Content -> Metaobjects.
Click Add definition.
Add metaobject definition.
Note: The name of the metaobject and the names of the fields must exactly match the names specified in the setup guide below. If you name them incorrectly, the functionality will not work.
Name: Amenities
Name amenitie
Single line text
After you have finished creating, you will have a result similar to the attached image below.
After you have completed step 1, you will have a metaobject. Next, you will 'Add entry' and enter content for each field.
From your Shopify admin, navigate to 'Content' -> 'Metaobjects'.
Select the 'Definition name' you wish to set up.
Click 'Add entry'.
Add content to each created field.
Click 'Save'.
From your Shopify admin, go to Settings -> Custom data.
Click Products → Add Definition.
Please enter correct Namespace and Key as we noted below.
Note: The name of the metaobject and the names of the fields must exactly match the names specified in the setup guide below. If you name them incorrectly, the functionality will not work.
From your Shopify admin, go to Products -> All products.
Find and choose the product that you want to edit.
In the Metafields, please insert content for "Amenities" field.