
Yarn build

Step 1:

yarn install

Step 2:

yarn build

Step 3:

yarn start

Yarn Development mode

Step 1:

yarn install

Step 2:

yarn dev

NPM build

Step 1:

npm install 

Step 2:

npm run build 

Step 3:

npm run start 

NPM Development mode

Step 1:

 npm install 

Step 2:

npm run dev

Refer: https:/

  • Build: Builds the app for production to the .nuxt folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

  • Start: Starts the application in production mode. The application should be compiled with nuxt build first.

  • Dev: Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:4002 to view it in the browser.

Last updated