Folder Structure

  • node_modules: It contains all the npm packages that is used on this projects.

  • components: Here are the React component which could be reused in multiple pages or are complex enough to move them to another file and test them individually. Each file should have a default export with a single component, inside the file there could be multiple components though.

  • pages: Here are the pages (also known as views) of the application, each file will automatically match a route as described in Nuxtjs.

  • static: Any static file required by the application (images, audios, etc.) could be placed here.

  • scss: The stylesheet is compiled to css. nuxt.js will automatically add the css file to the HTML.

  • store:

  • package.json: This file contains dependencies and scripts required for the project.

  • nuxt.config.js: contain extended nuxt configurations like css module support, font import, image import and optimization and env variables.

  • package-lock.json contain exact dependency tree to be installed in /node_modules. It helps while a team is working on private apps to ensure that they are working on the same version of dependencies and sub-dependencies. It also maintains a history of changes done in package.json so, that at any point of time, when required previous changes can be looked back in the package-lock.json file.

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